Who Can Attend?

All teenagers from High School grades 9 through 12 are eligible to attend.


You can apply on line or download and print out the application. The fee for the weekend is $48 for Candidates and $55 for Workers. That covers everything you need for the weekend. Some churches help cover the cost. There are scholarship funds available if the cost prevents someone from coming.

Team selection

Applications are received prior to the due date. The TEC council members will meet to select leadership and team members. Positions are filled using the following criteria: Leadership positions will be given first to someone with prior team experience. Then teams are filled giving preference to applications in the order they are received. Youth requesting to give a talk should have prior team experience. Youth applying for Overall Rector or Overall Rectora should have experience as a team leader and have given a talk.


From the moment the 30 candidates arrive at the host facility on a Friday morning, they are greeted by a combined team of around 40 youth and 16 adults, including 3 ministers, referred to as "Spiritual Directors." Music, games, good food, and lots of laughter put everyone at ease before they go into the Conference Room for the talk and study sessions.


The only secrets of the weekend are special surprises bringing excitement and joy to the candidates, planned by the team and others who love them. The surprises help demonstrate God's grace in a way each one will always remember.


Over the course of the 3 days, seven of the teens on the team give talks on subjects like Who am I? Who am I in Relationship to God? or Christians Called to Action. The talks are personal witnesses of struggles these teenagers have faced and how God has worked in and through their lives. The Spiritual Directors also give talks, spurring conversations around each table and culminating with posters and skits presented by the tables. The sharing is marked by tears and laughter and caring hugs, allowing the weekenders to experience the incredible power, love and support of the Christian community. Portrayals of Jesus life through skits or real life dramas performed by team will also inspire the candidates.


The weekend is a progression of faith, moving through the darkness of sin (Lent), to the despair of Christ's crucifixion (Good Friday), to the triumph of His resurrection (Easter), to the infilling of His Spirit and the empowered witness of Pentecost. By Sunday everyone is rejoicing in the new Spirit-filled life that Christ brings and is ready to share it with others.